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Zhejiang Hao Star Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Colloid MillGrinding machineMixerhomogenizerGrinding Pump
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Zhejiang Hao Star Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Colloid Mill,Grinding machineMixer,homogenizer,Grinding Pump


Maintenance of colloid mill, is to care for their children?
Release time:2018-06-13 Publisher:admin

 Machines, like children, also require our careful care. Children who do not take care of them will fall. Colloidal grinding machines are also the reason. If you do not take care of them, they will bring lower benefits. Haoxing Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. specializes in producing all kinds of vertical colloid mills. For the maintenance of colloid mill equipment, our factory lists the following several maintenance methods.

(1) Check for looseness in the colloid mill pipe and joints. Turn by hand to see if it is flexible. The
(2) Add bearing lubrication oil to the bearing body. Observe that the oil level should be at the centerline of the oil standard. Lubricating oil should be replaced or supplemented in time. The
(3) Unscrew the water diversion plug of the colloid mill and inject the water (or lead). The
(4) When the colloid mill is to be stopped, close the gate valve and pressure gauge first and then stop the motor. The
(5) Colloid mill In the first month of operation, the lubricating oil is replaced after 100 hours, and after each 500 hours, the oil is changed once. The
(6) The filler gland is often adjusted. Iridium Machinery & Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. guarantees that the dripping condition in the cooling system is normal (in case of drip leakage). The
(7) Regularly inspect the bushings for wear. Replace them when they are worn out. The
(8) When the colloid mill is used in the winter season, after stopping, the lower part of the pump body should be screwed to open the medium. Prevent freezing cracks. The
(9) The long-term decommissioning of the colloid mill requires all the pumps to be disassembled and the water to be wiped dry. The rotating parts and joints shall be coated with grease and properly stored. The
(10) Close the gate valve, outlet pressure gauge and import vacuum gauge of the outlet pipe. The
(11) Move the motor to see if the motor is turning correctly.
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